ever since i was eight or nine

Your days are numbered,
You can find the way,
the road to nowhere is not easy to follow.
You dream in your slumber;
kids, explosions, drive-ways.

My closed busy mind
try not to think of what we
saw those nights in the moonlight
I have an old key to unlock
old monster we cannot fight.

We're so ashamed of what we haven't done,
are we to blame for these pictures of
mud, fire, and feathers?
I don't want to cough up these ghosts
inside this country of haters.

Lets find our way.

Postat av: Firas

Is this what you wrote? cos if so it's really really good :D <3

i love you <3

2008-08-24 @ 18:25:54
URL: http://takeitback.blogg.se/
Postat av: sexy fucker

hihi. thnx. well, its not. but yeah, we can use it someday or something. <3<3

i love you too. <3

2008-08-24 @ 21:30:03
URL: http://lovesex.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Jasmine

fin dikt eller vad det nu ska kallas. : )

2008-08-25 @ 22:54:15
URL: http://spaceshit.blogg.se/
Postat av: sexy fucker

tackar. (K)

2008-08-26 @ 22:40:19
URL: http://lovesex.webblogg.se/

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